Tick Bite Kit and Instructions
Fine point tweezers (or other tick removal device)
Bottle of Bandits oil or Thieves oil
Bottle of Andrographis tincture
Bentonite clay
Bandage & tape, or large bandaid
Homeopathic Ledum Palustre 30c
Astragalus capsules
Proper way to safely remove a tick from your skin:
1. Grab the tick close to the skin with fine point tweezers
2. Pull straight up and away from the skin with even pressure.
3. Do not twist or jerk the tick, as this can lead to mouth parts remaining in the skin.
4. Do not piss off the tick by applying heat or vaseline or alcohol. That can lead to more bacteria entering your body.
5. If any pieces of the tick remain embedded in the skin, do your best to get all of it out.
6. Wash the bite site with soap and water, and dry it
7. Place the tick in a plastic bag to send it to the tick lab in Orono (optional).
Put a drop or two of Bandits Oil* placed directly into the site of the tick bite.
Put 1-2 drops andrographis tincture directly into the site of the tick bite.
Meanwhile, mix bentonite clay with a small amount of andrographis tincture, which you apply over the site of the tick bite.
Cover the clay with a bandage so that it stays in place for 24 hours.
Take homeopathic Ledum Palustre 30c by placing 1-2 pellets under your tongue, and allow to melt. Do not touch the pellets; simply drop them from the container under your tongue. Repeat three times a day for 7 days total.
Take astragalus 3,000 mg a day for 14 days only.
Crypto Plus by Researched Nutritionals contains:
Cryptolepis sanguinolenta is effective against Lyme and bartonella and babesia
Juglans nigra (black walnut hull) is effective against both Lyme and bartonella
Red root is effective against babesia and bartonella
For best results, take away from meals, and put drops into 1-3 ounces water or other liquid.
For tick bite, take Crypto Plus 40 drops twice a day for 6 weeks.
Do not take Crypto Plus if pregnant or nursing. Do not take with any blood thinner medication.
To order Crypto Plus, go to the website for Researched Nutritionals at
Click log in and register as a patient. Fill in your information, including password (sorry).
The last question on the registration page asks for "Physician Code".
Type in MRFNP, and that will allow you to buy the product.
Consult with a medical provider who is knowledgeable and experienced treating tickborne infections, especially if you develop a rash or other symptoms of Lyme infection.
Do NOT take astragalus.
Repeat the homeopathic Ledum Palustre dose every 8 hours for 24 hours only.
Continue taking all of the other medicines you are taking.
IMPORTANT: Send the tick to the Tick Lab at University of Maine Orono. For $15 the lab will test ticks for the organisms that cause Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis. Information on tick testing can be found https://extension.umaine.edu/ticks/submit/
*Keep in mind that there are more tickborne infections than the tick lab tests for. Also keep in mind that if the tick lab does not find any bacteria in the tick, it does no necessarily mean that the tick did not put any bacteria into your body with the bite.
Very Important: Testing for tickborne infections should not be done any sooner than 4-6 weeks after the bite. It takes that long for antibodies to the bacteria to rise. Drawing blood to test for Lyme or other tickborne diseases right after the bite is a waste of money. It is also important to know that if you take even one dose of antibiotic after the bite, it will make the test less reliable because it blunts the rise of antibodies, and makes it likely to result in a negative test result, even if you are infected.
Taking Crypto Plus after a tick bite is much better protection from the most common infections caused by a tick bite. Cryptolepis in Crypto Plus is TWICE as effective as the most effective antibiotic against borrelia bacteria that causes Lyme disease.
Information on seasonal tick risks can be found here.
* Thieves oil, cinnamon bark essential oil, clove bud essential oil, or oregano essential oil can be used instead of Bandits oil
Claire Mortimer, FNP Many Paths to Healing, LLC Blue Hill, Maine